
Card is one of the payment methods available in the create payment service. The debt is paid by a credit card.


Opened-The order was created and inprogress.
Authorized-The order was authorized.
Collected-The order was created and paid for.
Cancelled-The state of an Opened order that expired or was cancelled by calling cancelation operation.
Voided-The state of an Authorized order that expired or was voided by calling cancelation operation.
FailedRejectedThe transaction was declined. The acquirer does not allow this transaction to be processed.
FailedInsufficientFundsThe transaction was declined because the card has insufficient Funds.
Please, try a different card.
FailedInvalidCardThe transaction was declined because the card details are invalid. Please, try again.
FailedReferredThe transaction was declined. The customer should contact their bank.
FailedExpiredCardThe transaction was declined because the card is expired.Please, try a different card.
FailedInvalidConfigurationThe transaction was declined due to a processing error. Contact koin for more details
FailedUndefinedThe transaction was declined due to an unexpected error.
FailedStolenCardThe transaction was declined because the card is reported as stolen, related to fraud. Please, try a different card.
FailedConnection RejectedThe transaction was declined due to a processing error. The acquirer and supplier are working on it.
FailedInvalidDataThe transaction was declined due to a processing error. Contact koin for more details

When the order status changes a webhook notification will be sent.