Antifraud Services Flow

The API call can last several seconds, because sometimes data providers and country bureaus can be slow or overloaded, after some time our internal system will timeout and force a synchronic response with the data available at the time.

Standard Flow

The standard flow consists of sending the information from the transaction to the Pre-evaluation service, where a preliminary fraud assessment is conducted, taking into account general fraud indicators. Following this, the transaction proceeds to payment authorization and then finally, the Evaluation service performs a thorough fraud analysis of the transaction.

It is essential to ensure that the same reference_id sent in the Pre-evaluation is also sent in the Evaluation.

Using the Evaluation service is mandatory, while for Pre-evaluation, it is optional. Given this flexibility, an alternative integration approach involves solely invoking the Evaluation service subsequent to payment authorization.

A third alternative is that if it is not feasible to place the Evaluation service after authorization and prior to capture, then it should be integrated before authorization, and PreEvaluation should not be used.

Response detail scenarios:

denied100We don't recommend to continue with this transaction.
approved0We approve this transaction.
received50We need more time to do more background check about this transaction, we will notify result by callbackUrl.

Usage Flow

Automatic response with Accept or Reject

Inprogress response with manual review

Notification of cancel in the middle of the review analysis

Testing environment

In order to test all scenarios in a testing environment, you can use the email address to force the evaluation result in the evaluation response. In the table below you can find the options.

{username}+prereject+{@emailprovider}The transaction will be rejected at the authorization
{username}+preaccept_autoaccept+{@emailprovider}The transaction will be accepted at all
{username}+preaccept_autoreject+{@emailprovider}The transaction will be accepted at the authorization stage and rejected at the evaluation
{username}+preaccept_autoinprogress+{@emailprovider}The transaction will be accepted at the authorization stage and will remain open while undergoing background
{username}+autoaccept+{@emailprovider}The transaction will be
{username}+autoreject+{@emailprovider}The transaction will be
{username}+autoinprogress+{@emailprovider}The transaction will remain open while undergoing background
{username}+manualaccept+{@emailprovider}The transaction will undergo thorough background manual verifications before ultimately being
{username}+manualreject+{@emailprovider}The transaction will undergo thorough background manual verifications before ultimately being