API Reference

Responsible for returning the installment options to the customer. We suggest using it when the customer clicks on “Select Installments”.



Whenever there is a change in the information consulted (CPF, E-mail, Total Value or Date of Use of the Service), a new request must be carried out to verify the availability and installment options according to the new information.


For every include request sent, a new check is mandatory.

CPFString (14)Payer's CPFYes
EmailString (300)Payer's EmailYes
TotalPriceString (9.2)Total value of the purchase - Ex.: 250.99 (Use dot to separate decimal place)Yes
UseDateString (10)Product delivery forecast / Service usage date / Course completion date Format: yyyy-MM-ddYes
SalesChannelIdString (2)Sales Channel Code, where: 3 = Checkout; 31 = Mobile Checkout; 5 = Checkout Recovery.Yes
ProposalString (20)In-store order identifier.Yes
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!